Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Staring at the screen
My brain cells do devolve
learning of the issue that
this product somehow solves.
they sure do look quite happy,
those picturesque, beaming folks,
I need this thing to be content?
so what, it makes me broke.
I can not bear to live without
my precious, perfect thing
"must be 18 or older to call"
the lady quickly sings.
O please, my dearest only friend,
your products I may flaunt,
throw out originality
and tell me what I want.
And so you see, these ads are more
than what they at first seem.
capitalism, feed the pigs,
the new american dream.

1 comment:

  1. Two favorite parts:
    1. "throw out originality / and tell me what I want."
    2. "the new american dream."

    These both ring too true. And that freaks me out a bit. What is going to happen to us as a society? Keep questioning social/cultural norms, Elliott, never give up your zeal for the original.
