Tuesday, December 17, 2013


this was a great book. It follows the story of August, a disfigured boy in 5th grade. it has a good story line, good characters, and overall, just a really solid book. I especially liked how they explored the different perspectives of characters, and how different people react to this situation.
Check it out if you haven't already.

Friday, December 13, 2013


There once was a man named Jack
Who practiced voodoo in a shack
he started to pray
but was taken away
by two government men wearing black

There once was a child from Logan
Who thought the school needed a slogan
But to him, it was crime
if it didn't quite rhyme,
and so that was all that he wrote.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Fis philosophy

The fish of course is free of the effects that hungry briefcases and charts force upon the rest. Life is full, the memory is full of unexplainable scenery that is totally natural and unadvertised to. Who knows if that is all something as pure as a fish is? and each one that we suppress, each aborted thought does mean something. The fish, of course, throws nothing out, for it has no compass induced by society to tell it what to keep. So sad. So happy. So nothing. For what if life is simply life, and things that happen are just things that happen? The fish of course is content seeing things this way, there is no reason for things to mean anything, he has no problem with this. No need to supply and mach things that happen with emotions. The fish, of course, does not do this because it is profound to do so, more just because it is the way it is. Seeing things the way they are is of course impossible, but why illusion yourself unnecessarily? The fish of course only sees what it sees. it has no illusions of ambition. So sad. So happy. So nothing. For with what do we need ambitions? why can't we all learn something from the uncomplicated content nature that can only could be exuded by the fish, of course?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

irish curse poem

May your intestines burst with tapeworms, and your teeth be pulled right out. each time you start to speak a word, you should be filled with doubt. And may the blood within your vains become too much to hold, so as you try to scream in pain, your tongue swells up tenfold. And let all the attention that you so desperately seek, finally be yours to keep, you stupid, shallow freak.